On a Mission - Ethiopia

In Acts 1:8, Jesus commanded "...be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." Concordia Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, IN continues to answer His call by sending a team to Ethiopia to minister to HIV/AIDS patients and the mentally handicapped. This is the 3rd adult mission trip sponsored by Concordia.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mission Ethiopia: On the Field Report #1

Hello friends, family, and supporters from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

We are arrived and safe, but haven't been able to update this site until now, due to very poor internet connection. I'll get right into things. It has been amazing! We arrived on Sunday night after roughly 30 hours (I think?!) of travel, and were picked up with a very warm welcome by Lutheran Hour Staff and volunteers at the airport. They had flowers and even video taped the whole thing. We felt like movie stars or something, very flattered. They took us to a nice hotel, where we have been staying, and we relaxed, preparing for the next day, which was set up to be very busy.

We rose early in the morning, and went to meet the Lutheran Hour staff at their base here. They briefed us, and gave a little Ethiopian history, sang songs for us, and seemed very excited to have us. After a short time we went to the oldest Lutheran church in Ethiopia, to meet with AIDS patients who were being ministered to there. This was the beginning of many emotional experiences of the day. We got to hand out food, soap, and supplies to each of the people who were registed with the church, all of whom were SO grateful. The church helps them but is only able to give an equivalent of about 5-10 dollars a month, which for most of them is all they receive. It was so amazing to see the joy in their faces though as they praised the Lord together with us during a short worship service we had there.

After this we ate lunch with them, and then headed out to a school where we had donated money to bring a water line in for the kids to have drinking water. Can you imagine a school without drinking water, or water for toilets? Well this school doesn't even have more than five working classrooms for 1900 students. Needless to say, they were very happy to have water now, but the need their is unimaginably great. We got to give some gifts to kids, and they sang for us, but then we had to go, to much else to do that day.

We went next to another church and were able to give food, soap, and supplies to AIDS patients. They had the same program as the first church. But what was different here is that we asked to hear some of the life stories of the people. This was my personal favorite part so far. We heard from person after person who was praising God for His grace in their life, and for all He'd done. They have AIDS, yet they are so thankful. Many of them had been strengthened by God during their sickness, and shared testimony after testimony of how God had provided miraculously, healed, and even brought their families to Christ through this. There are is so much to tell about this, which our team can hopefully share with you when we get back. But, let's just say that these people have more hope than most Americans. They are free on the inside, with a freedom that could only be called supernatural.

Wow, what could I share? I must come to a close, but I'll tell you a little about today too. This is our second day in Addis, and we've just begun work at the Gefersa Mental Health Home. This is the ONLY mental health home in all of Ethiopia, and they can only hold 150 people! This was heartbreaking to see, and the conditions of the facilities are, well poor at best. Thankfully, this place was just recently taken over by a new manager who is a very spunky lady who is relentlessly pursuing help from the government and other places. She lived in the US for 30 years and has a knowledge of what these people might need in order to help them to even particpate in society. Ahhh, I have no more time to write. We are busy and are paying by the minute to write at an internet cafe.

Let me just end by saying this. Everyone's prayers and support are really making an impact. We have already encouraged and blessed hundreds of people, and have many, many stories to tell when we come home. And, it's only been two days of actual time here in the Addis! Keep up the prayers, and consider what God might be speking to you about being His witnesses in places like this. There is soooo much need for the light of Christ, and so much opportunity for blessing and impact into the lives of people whom Jesus died for.


Matt Spinks


At 8:26 PM, Blogger *rivet* said...

I love you guys, and you probably won't see this until you get home, but I just figured out the site was here. I'm sure the trip was amazing! We have been praying for you. ~Monica

PS: Rod Wilson makes you think!


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